(WW) <default pointer>: No Device specified, looking for one...
(II) <default pointer>: Setting Device option to "/dev/input/mice"
(--) <default pointer>: Device: "/dev/input/mice"
(==) <default pointer>: Protocol: "Auto"
(**) Option "CorePointer"
(**) <default pointer>: always reports core events
(==) <default pointer>: Emulate3Buttons, Emulate3Timeout: 50
(**) <default pointer>: ZAxisMapping: buttons 4 and 5
(**) <default pointer>: Buttons: 9
(**) <default pointer>: Sensitivity: 1
(**) Option "CoreKeyboard"
(**) Generic Keyboard: always reports core events
(**) Option "Protocol" "standard"
(**) Generic Keyboard: Protocol: standard
(**) Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
(**) Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
(**) Generic Keyboard: XkbRules: "xorg"
(**) Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
(**) Generic Keyboard: XkbModel: "pc104"
(**) Option "XkbLayout" "us"
(**) Generic Keyboard: XkbLayout: "us"
(**) Option "CustomKeycodes" "off"
(**) Generic Keyboard: CustomKeycodes disabled
(II) evaluating device (<default pointer>)
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "<default pointer>" (type: MOUSE)
(II) evaluating device (Generic Keyboard)
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Generic Keyboard" (type: KEYBOARD)
(--) <default pointer>: PnP-detected protocol: "ExplorerPS/2"
(II) <default pointer>: ps2EnableDataReporting: succeeded
(II) LoadModule: "synaptics"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input//synaptics_drv.so
(II) Module synaptics: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 2.0
(II) Synaptics touchpad driver version 0.14.6 (1406)
(--) appletouch auto-dev sets device to /dev/input/event12
(**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event12"
(--) appletouch touchpad found
(**) appletouch: always reports core events
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "appletouch" (type: MOUSE)
(--) appletouch auto-dev sets device to /dev/input/event12
(**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event12"
(--) appletouch touchpad found
(II) Module synaptics: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 2.0
(II) Synaptics touchpad driver version 0.14.6 (1406)
appletouch no synaptics event device found
(EE) xf86OpenSerial: No Device specified.
Synaptics driver unable to open device
(EE) PreInit failed for input device "appletouch"
(II) UnloadModule: "synaptics"