Debian on Chumby.¶
I used Debian Etch for Armadillo-9 images . I divided a USB fhumb drive into two partitions. First partition as /dev/sda1 is vfat format. Second partition as /dev/sda2 is ext2 format. I mounted /dev/sda2 as /mnt, and extracted debian-etch-a9-[1-5].tgz on /mnt.
By the way, Chumby doesn’t support ext2 filysystem. Then I rebuild Linux Kernel for Chumby to support ext2 filesystem. Please look at Chumby Wiki about the way.
After updating the kernel of Chumby, I mounted the Etch partition installed in USB thumb drive. I inserted USB thumb drive to USB Port of Chumby, then powered on chumby. I logged on by ssh, I had done chroot to /mnt/usb2 as Debian on Chumby.